SEM Consultancy
Clubnet Search Marketing
Blue Green
Seo Consult
Vertical Leap
David Naylor PR 6 Al
Neutralize PR 6 Alexa 70k
Searchengineoptimising PR 6 Alexa 77k
Southbourne PR 6 Alexa 134k
Xseo PR 6 Alexa 300k
SEOptimise PR 5 Alexa 64k
Site removed for offering services that give seo a bad name
Refreshmedia PR 5 Alexa 187k
Kruse PR 5 Alexa 228k
Websearchworkshop PR 5 Alexa 236k
Cornishwebservices PR 5 Alexa 266k
Yorganic PR5 Alexa 341
Netbooster PR 5 Alexa 588
Searchengineserious PR 5 Alexa 739
Emarketingservices PR 5 Alexa 1,114k
Broadcaster PR 5 Alexa 1,386k
SEOco PR 4 Alexa 100k
Mrweb PR 4 Alexa 211
Ehlonline PR 4 Alexa 400k
BWservices PR 4 Alexa 450k
Koded PR 4 Alexa 463k
Optimiser PR 4 Alexa 744k
UKseo PR 4 Alexa 1,000k+
Bold Internet PR 4 Alexa 400k
Searchenginerankingcompany PR 4 Alexa 980k
Web Spectrum PR 4 Alexa 2,000k
Search Latitude PR 3 Alexa 88k
Fusednation PR 3 Alexa 109k
Search Logic PR 3 Alexa 300k
Eflaunt PR 3 Alexa 400k
Inventatech PR 4 Alexa 904
Beyonder PR 3 Alexa 1,722k
Webpageone PR 3 Alexa 2,000k
Sites are ranked by PR and Alexa ranking.
Search terms used to find these links: uk seo, british search engine optimisation, uk search engine optimisation.
If you know of an individual or business who is not on this list, please let me know in the comments below. I will only add those offering SEO services only, web designers will not be added.
So what does this data mean?
Should you chose an SEO service based only on this data? Of course not. It’s intended as a loose guide to SEO services in the UK at this time. A snapshot if you will.
Should you employ an seo company with a low pr and a low Alexa ranking? Absolutely not. If an SEO company cannot get links, cannot get people to visit their website, it does not bode well for your own chances.
Most web designers offer an SEO service but I would argue this is hardly worth the effort. A teeny bit of SEO may get a few pages cached and allow you to rank for your domain and obscure search terms, but I doubt revenue earning keyword rankings will be acquired.
If you are serious about your online presence, you should employ specialists. The return on investment over a period of a year will easily pay for such services.
PR is a factor of time and a new company may not have time under their belt to rank. But surely they know all they have to do is to buy a high PR domain and 301 redirect to the new domain. Probably only cost a few grand.
If I were to set up an Enterprise Search Engine Optimisation company targeting blue chip clients, I would buy a crusty old domain with a bunch of backlinks for up to ?10,000. It would be the only spend in the marketing budget.
I would also publish a blog that offered useful and relevant information. I would use SEOmoz as a guide. This would encourage incoming links from sites in my sector. Any client scanning the blog would see current information being published that detailed best practice for an SEO service.
Free tools would also be available to the search industry to encourage links, goodwill and prestige. Along the lines of and
I would publish my photo on the website, yes I know that it may scare some people, but a personal image helps people connect. I absolutely would not put generic stock photos anywhere on the site, it shouts out amateur.
I would offer linkbaiting and social media optimisation services. Any SEO company who is not current with such practices may not be current with other best practice. At the very least I would partner with any of the new linkbait services popping up and sub-contract them.
Design is important, image is important. The design of the web page is the first thing a client will see, it must be exciting and cutting edge. The site which caught my eye was SEOco, the design stood out from the rest of the crowd and the increased leading in the font made it a lot easier to read. This is a personal judgement and has a lot to do with fashion or perceived value.
The fact is, the lower down the list you go the worse the design gets. And yes I know the design of this site is not tip top, but I’m not pitching myself as an Enterprise level search engine optimiser. At least not at the moment.
Employing an seo consultant is all about return on investment. Will the cash you pay for seo services produce a decent enough return to be worth the effort? This is the question to ask yourself before employing an seo company
360 Innovate PR 4 Alexa 1,888,000
Any UK seo company who would like to be added to the Update part simply drop a note in the comments.