Since the redesign of Stumbelupon I have been using it more and more these days as a place to find interesting stories, interesting people and to share interesting stories.
I have culled a lot of dead beat friends and added a bunch of new ones in my industry. Basically, if you submit stories about SEO, social media or linkbait, I will friend you. Until my 200 is used up, then I may have another cull.
My stumble account has become stuffed with juicy SEO and social media goodness. I find interesting stuff on Stumble which I don’t find on Sphinn or in my rss feeds. I like the randomness of it, it helps me step out of my bubble.
Jason Calacanis has this thing where he encourages links by promising to eat one marshmallow for every person who links to him, or was it that he may link back. Something like that.
I have a similar thing going where if you link to me I will stumble you, so long as your site isn’t spazzed out with inane mutterings. It’s the karma thing again. Online karma can have instant and wonderful effects. You do a solid for someone, you get a solid back.
Social Networking helps trust and connectivity between people in similar industries. Obviously, the world of online marketing is a little more intense when it comes to networking as the believers know real power can come from effective networking.
On Stumbleupon I know who my real friends are and who are just pulling a fast one. When I use the term friends I use it in the “online” sense, not the “will you help me come and move house sense”.
At the moment Stumble upon is my fav social site, probably because it’s users are a bit older and it’s harder to game.