So we had our first Digg over at Web Design Book. Although I cannot claim to have wrote it, it followed a brainstorming session Rich and I had about social media optimisation and the best way to approach it. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
I didn’t expect Rich to make the Digg front page FIRST TIME! And I didn’t expect Diggers to find a subject as overcooked as Web 2.0 design such interesting read.
It was dugg Tuesday night (GMT) and made the front page Wednesday at 10am GMT and so far the site has 38,000 uniques, should pass 40k later on. – Update, the site did 47k for the day and the next day has so far done 1.7k
But what’s the point?
It’s a good question to ask. We don’t care about the traffic. No seriously we dont, hehe.
It’s the backlinks we are after.
Our strategy is to make money with the blog rather than from the blog, which is why there is no advertising. So we need links from authority sites to become seen as an authority ourselves. Our strategy to achieve this is to target Social Media sites.
The Web Design space needs sites which deals with newbie issues. Most experts huddle together in various corners of the web hoping most people never realise they were a newbie once. But I see it as a way to connect to the largest group of people possible and build a personal brand. That of a teacher and someone who knows what he is talking about.
I love it when people leave the site through a link to a cool resource we have cited. It shows we are spreading our knowledge.
Being Dugg helps us communicate with the largest group of people possible and that is our goal at the moment, rather than simply monetising.
People say slap a huge adsense on your site when you are being dugg. I think that undervalues the potential. You want those diggers to return and digg you again.
You want to build rather than pillage.
Although pillaging can be fun, it does not make for long term stability.