I have been asked to speak at Search Marketing Expo, London. I will be speaking on the psychological aspects of creating content with a purpose to build links. Quite a mouthful I know, I need to work on that headline, how about “Mental Linkbaiting”.
I am honoured to share the platform with some brilliant linkbuilders, Tom Critchlow, Wiep Knoll, and Jay Young.
I went to SMX London last year, not that I’m a conference junkie, although they are a lot of fun. For someone wanting to up their game they are recommended. A few new things learned here and there should easily pay for the conference fee, plus you get to go and talk to the experts direct and look into their eyes.
Thanks to the guys at SMX for this opportunity. If you do go, come up and say hi. I will be at the London SEO bash on the 4th as well.