Danny Sulliven has a post on Searchengine land called, Dear Fox News: SEO Is Not Search Engine Scamming (Unless You?re Scamming Yourself).
It’s the kind of post where I read the first few paragraphs, think yeah yeah yeah and then go back to watching the Cartoon Network.
But lets go back to Fox News, which is an American TV News channel whose slogan is “Fair and Balanced” and tends to get watched by people who thought George Bush was a socialist.
If you search for the story headline that Danny refers to, “top online jobs to leave you friendless”, Fox comes up number one on Google so it must be true. I realise that not everyone who reads this blog is British and so their default position may not be one of sarcasm and cynicism.
In other words:
If you are reading the Fox News blog for informative, insightful content you’re an idiot
If you want to know what SEO is, you google Danny Sullivan.
But I doubt anyone reading this blog needs to be told that, which means I have just wasted valuable time when I could have been watching the Cartoon Network.