I rarely beg for social media votes on this blog. The reason is not because begging for social media votes is beneath me, far from it. But I want what I publish here to live and die on its merits. That way I can then see what the market loves and what it hates.
By knowing what people like I can deliver more of the same. I can find out what works and what does not, but if I started to go out and market the blog posts amongst my contacts the data would be made murky.
Most of the time, when I sweat over a post which I think showcases my huge talent, it bombs. But when I knock out something quick and dirty, something I think no one will take serious. It goes mental. Well that’s not entirely true, but the market constantly surprises me and I like to have the fresh data.
For example, I have tried different styles of headlines and it’s mostly the shorter, resourceful headlines which work, rather than the wordy, trying too hard to be clever headlines.
Always be testing.